
Archive for January 8th, 2010

Twisitor and city application

We’ve got it clear that Twitter revolutionized the way we interact but was it clear Twitter’s derivated would revolutionize the way visitors connect to their destination ?

Back to the basics, Twitter is a social networking service that allows users to send and receive instantaneous text within a 140-message.

Now, Twisitor is an application derivated from Twitter and allowing people to interact directly with the citizen of the visited city or its Tourism department. Here is the teaser:

Going somewhere? Get the insider information from those who know, the local tourism authority. Chances are that your final destination is already tweeting and ready to answer your questions and provide tips and recommendations. Connect with them here for all your planning, relaxing, vacationing and traveling needs.

Portland became the first American city to launch an official Twisitor Center – an online visitor information center relying on Twitter to connect travelers with people who can help plan their trips.

The way it works:  Add #inpdx to each tweet you request to have Portland informations and the Twisitor Center staff members will answer your questions.

Here below is the video made by Portland to explain the concept.

Can’t wait to see it in France !

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